Have you ever wondered what it is like to work as an interpreter? Many bilingual individuals find this work to be truly rewarding. A good number comment on how they enjoy the flexible schedule and the work environment. If you work as a freelance interpreter, you are able to set your own hours and schedule.
Another great benefit has to do with job satisfaction. The majority of us at one time or another has had difficulty communicating with someone else due to a language barrier. An interpreter bridges that gap, and, as a result, many times the other parties are very grateful and appreciative of your services. If you choose to become an interpreter you are choosing a career that is very challenging and always changing. Many interpreters state that every day is different and that they are always learning and perfecting their skills. Lastly, if you are fully bilingual you probably already interpret on occasions for family and friends, so why not receive the training so that you can take the next step.
The training will allow you to jump from being an ad hoc interpreter to a professional one. These are just a few reasons why interpreting is an exciting career. Click here for more information, or if you are considering becoming an interpreter please call us at 781.729.3736 or 1.888.678.2227 (out of state).