News & Articles

In support of the “Official Launch of the National Standards for Healthcare Interpreter Training Program by the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC)”

The official launching of the National Standards for Healthcare Interpreter Training Program (the national training standards) by the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) was
presented during the NCIHC annual membership meeting May 2011 in New Orleans. The NCIHC Standards, Training and Certification Committee (STC) have been working on the final product for several years beginning with the initial core research and literature review conducted through focus groups, during NCIHC membership meetings, etc. As a result of the extensive research and literature review, national interpreter task analyses was performed in order to effectively and thoroughly identify interpreters’ “body of knowledge,” such as role, duties, skills, knowledge, training, etc. Once the
information was collected, the STC formed an advisory committee of experts in the field to begin drafting standards. In 2010, STC began to solicit feedback to ensure a thorough understanding of interpreter trainings at the national level and to again analyze the feedback. Next, the draft was
revised, proofread and published.

According to the STC, the national training standards are intended to provide a basis and a foundation for interpreter training programs. The NCIHC national training standards are intended to enhance, guide and provide a working tool for interpreter
training programs. However, STC does recognize that many interpreter training programs already have many of the recommended components in place while other training programs may be missing some of the recommended national interpreter training elements.

The training standards are divided into three (3) sections:
I. Program Content Standards
(knowledge and interpreting skills),
II. Instructional Methods Standards
III. Programmatic Standards

The Program Content Standards begins with a breakdown of what knowledge and skills professional interpreters should be introduced to during interpreter training programs. Included in the Knowledge and Skills sections are:

A. Knowledge
1. The healthcare interpreting profession, i.e.,
a. Definition of interpreting (vs. bilingualism, translation)
b. Fields of interpreting (community interpreting, diplomatic interpreting, medical interpreting, etc.)
c. How interpreters are employed (dedicated, dual-role, contract, freelance, etc.)
d. An overview of healthcare interpreting history in the U.S.
e. Purpose, function and responsibilities of healthcare interpreters
f. Modes of interpreting in healthcare (consecutive, simultaneous, sigh translation),
g. Venue of interpreting (face to face, remote, etc.)
h. Relevant laws, standards, Official Launch of the National Stardards for Healthcare

Recently there has been increased awareness of and attention to health care needs of theLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender population.

• The Institute of Medicine released its report The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People: Building a Foundation for Better Understanding in May 2011;
• The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have issued guidance for complying with inclusive patient visitation and decision-making conditions of participation, and;
• The Joint Commission has approved new accreditation standards that specifically prohibit discrimination inclusive of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and will be releasing a Field Guide for LGBT Healthcare later this year.

What do these new regulations and accreditation requirements mean? Why have the Institute of Medicine and The Joint Commission taken an interest in LGBT health and health care? And most importantly, what can my institution do to make sure that we are providing the highest quality care to our LGBT patients and families?

This webinar will share information about how your organization can become more sensitized to the needs of LGBT patients and families as part of your overall quality improvement strategy. Our speakers will share information on how to make the case for supporting LGBT Health Equity; Strategies for integrating LGBT health equity into your organization’s current systems for promoting quality; and Resources to evaluate your organization’s readiness to create an inclusive environment.

Session goals:
1.) Identify LGBT health care disparities;
2.) Identify legal, regulatory, and quality supports for LGBT health equity;
3.) Identify and understand how to use tools and strategies to help create a welcoming environment and support high quality care for LGBT patients and families.

Cross Cultural Communication Systems, Inc. (CCCS, Inc.)

Embracing Culture

Cordially invites you to participate in an outstanding collaborative two-part Seminar being offered through our new Webinar series entitled:

Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient-and Family-Centered Care:

Roadmap for Hospitals

 By: Dr. Christina Cordero

October 4, 2011

11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST

Improving Patient-Provider Communication to Support Safety and Quality: Implementing

A Plan that Works

By: Amy Wilson-Stronks

October 18, 2011

11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST

The two-part Seminar offered through CCCS Webinar Series scheduled 

October 4th and 18th 2011

allows you the opportunity to train and learn without leaving your office.

Join the interactive seminar!

Limited Space Available Per Seminar 

CCCS Awarded PRF48 Contract
On April 1, 2011 CCCS was one of the vendors awarded the state contract PRF48 for Massachusetts.  This means that CCCS is a recognized vendor to the state of Massachusetts for:

  • Face to Face Oral Interpretation
  • Simultaneous Oral Interpretation
  • Over the Phone Oral Interpretation
  • Written Translations

CCCS stands behind the quality of all of our products and we invite you to see how CCCS has been a pioneer in the interpreting industry.

CCCS, Inc has been a pioneer in many different aspects. In 1996, CCCS became one of the first institutes in the U.S. to teach healthcare interpreting. Our healthcare interpreting program was the result of many years of interpreting experience by CCCS’ founder and President Zarita Araujo-Lane, LICSW. Drawing on her experience in combination with her team that includes providers, interpreters and educators, she developed a unique program that included many firsts for the industry. Here are a few examples of how CCCS has proved to be an industry leader.

Accredited Interpreting School
CCCI, a division of CCCS, became the first accredited postsecondary school for interpreters in NH and possibly nationwide. In addition, CCCI is in the process of applying for the same status in Massachusetts.

Language Coaches
CCCS was one of the first companies and training institutions to introduce the concept of Language Coaches to the industry. Language Coaches are active experienced interpreters that work with students in small group settings where all of the students speak the same target language. Language Coaches are a key component of the course as they give personal attention to each member of the group and provide guidance and feedback to help the student improve their skills. CCCS has developed a training manual for their language coaches and by the end of 2011, both training and manuals will become available to the general population.

Please take a look at the upcoming conference that will be held at the beginning of April.


THURSDAY, April 7th
Morning: possible White House tour
Afternoon (time TBD): Guided tour, in Portuguese, of the American Gallery of Art in DC
Evening: Dinner with NCATA, in DC (location and time TBD)

FRIDAY, April 8th
Sessions at the Embassy Suites:
8:15- 8:30 Welcome by PLD Administrator, Elena Langdon
8:30-10:00 Solange M. dos Santos A cesta e o cabaz: Financial Translation for Lusophone Africa from a Brazilian Perspective
10:00-10:30 (coffee break)
10:30-12:00 Naomi Sutcliffe de Moraes An Introduction to European Union Law for Translators
1:30-3:00 Kim Olsen & Doris Schraft Preparing for the Portuguese> English Certification Exam
3:00-3:30 ATA Headquarters visit
3:30-5:00 Timothy Yuan The Global Financial Crisis: What It Is and How to Translate It
Evening: Dinner at restaurant in Alexandria, TBD

SATURDAY, April 9th
Sessions at the Embassy Suites:
8:30-9:30 Marilda Averbug Myths about Conference Interpretation
9:40-10:40 Márcia Loureiro Comunicação Oficial e a Língua Padrão
10:40-11:00 coffee break
11:00-12:00 Eloisa Marques The art of editing, or what happens to your technical translation when you are done?
1:30-3:00 Zarita Araújo-Lane Learning medical terminology through case studies
3:00-3:30 coffee break
3:30-5:00 Arlene Kelly Color and Culture: Varying Descriptions of Physical Characteristics

Closing reception — location TBD
SUNDAY, April 10th
9:00am ATA Certification exam
Sunday morning passeio, location TBD

Amrit Singh is of two worlds, but belongs to neither. A turban-wearing Sikh, he has lived his life in North America out of sorts and out of place, cast adrift between East and West. Hoping for a new start, he embarks on an ambitious pursuit of success, but soon learns that he must first define his own singular identity before he achieves peace.

The trailer can be viewed by going to their official website at

Families participating in Head Start come from many different cultural backgrounds, bringing a unique blend of history, traditions andbeliefs to the tasks of child rearing and education. Some come from groups that have been oppressed for generations. Others arerecent immigrants, trying to combine their native culture with the one in which they currently live. Still others are deeply rooted in ahistory of cultural traditions. Similarly, all of the individuals who work in Head Start also bring their own rich cultural traditions andbeliefs to their work with families. As a result, families and Head Start staff may have different ideas about what is good for children.How long children sleep, what methods work to manage their behavior, what they expect at mealtimes, and how they play with otherchildren may all involve different cultural values. Recognizing that cultural heritage and identity influence each of us in many, profoundways is a first step in ….

Ask Dr. Lane
Communicator Express, November 2010
What is a “brain attack?”
A brain attack is a term coined by neurologists to describe strokes or cerebral vascular accidents. Everyone recognizes the word, “heart attack” and knows that this means that an artery in the heart has been blocked. Someone that has had a heart attack needs immediate medical attention. The same is true when someone experiences a “brain attack.” If an artery supplying a part of the brain is blocked, then that part of the brain’s function can be lost. We know that if we can get a heart attack victim to a catheterization (cath) lab very fast, the symptoms of the heart attack can be ameliorated and stopped. If we can get a victim of a stroke to a special lab within three hours of the onset of symptoms, the probability of stopping the symptoms and having a good rehabilitation climbs astronomically. A stroke, or cerebral vascular accident is when an artery supplying a particular part of the brain is stopped up and blood cannot reach this part. The functions supplied by that part of the brain stop, or are destroyed, or immensely impaired. Major complaints associated with ischemia to the brain include:
• Brief loss of consciousness, or period of decreased consciousness (fainting, confusion,
   convulsions or coma)
• Sudden, severe headache with no known cause.
• Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body.
• Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
• Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding.
• Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
When someone experiences symptoms like these, it is an emergency. If the symptoms improve and/or disappear within 24 hours, the attack is called a TIA which means Transient Ischemic Attack. If the symptoms last longer than 24 hours it is a stroke. In the beginning, one does not know if the attack will end in 24 hours and be a TIA or have symptoms that continue and be a stroke. With certain tests, a physician can determine the type of stroke and whether it would respond to treatment. If an ischemic stroke can be treated within 24 hours, the symptoms can be alleviated and sometimes cured. There are two kinds of strokes. One is ischemic and the other is hemorrhagic. In ischemic strokes the blood vessel to the brain is plugged and the part of the brain that the vessel supplies is damaged due to lack of oxygen. There are two kinds of ischemic strokes. One is caused by the narrowing of the artery with a clot forming on it. The clot forming in the narrowed artery is called a thrombus and for this reason this stroke is called a thrombotic stroke. The other ischemic stroke is caused by a clot that forms in the heart or aorta and travels up to the brain and occludes an artery.
This kind of traveling clot is called an embolism and the stroke is an embolic stroke. Ischemic strokes are most common and cause 84% of all strokes. The second major kind of stroke other than ischemic is called a hemorrhagic stroke. This is when the blood vessel in the brain breaks and blood goes directly out of the vessel. If the bleeding occurs in the parenchyma of the brain this is called an intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) and if it occurs outside, or under the brain it is
a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Hemorrhagic strokes only make up 15% of all strokes but cause 30% of the deaths that are caused by strokes. If the emergency room doctor does a CT scan as soon as possible, he or she can determine if there is a hemorrhage (bleeding). If there is no hemorrhage, and it is within 3 hours of onset of the symptom(s), the doctor may initiate a treatment to dissolve the clot, called tissue plasminogen activator (tpa). Tpa stimulates an
enzyme called plasminogen to dissolve the clot. Often the results can be dramatic. If the stroke is due to bleeding, tpa would only make the bleeding worse. That is why it is so important to determine the kind of stroke in order to provide the best treatment.
Remember the signs of a stroke and when you see them, get the patient to a hospital as soon as possible. Some hospitals have developed stroke centers specially designed to evaluate the kind of stroke and start the treatment as soon as possible. So like a heart attack, a quick evaluation to find the clot and identify if it is hemorrhagic or ischemic, can give an ischemic “brain attack” a strong chance to be cured.
This article is copyrighted and is not to be used without the express written consent of CCCS©2010.
Ask Dr. Lane
Communicator Express, September 2010
What is Pulmonary Fibrosis?
Pulmonary Fibrosis is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation to attack the walls of the alveoli or air sacs. Scarring occurs in the walls and they become thick and difficult to distend. It takes much more work to move the lungs during the act of breathing, and the thick, scarred walls interfere with gas exchange. The patient becomes breathless in the struggle to move the lungs and to get enough oxygen in, and CO2 out. This kind of lung disease is therefore called a restrictive disease because the movement of the lung tissue and the gas exchange are restricted. This is in contrast to obstructive diseases like asthma and emphysema where the problem is in the obstruction of the airways. In pulmonary fibrosis, there is little that can be done as far as treatment is concerned other than anti-inflammatory drugs that are usually in the form of corticosteroids.
This article is copyrighted and is not to be used without the express written consent of CCCS©2010.

A great majority of mental health encounters happen in primary care or in the emergency room. According to the Bazelton Center for Mental Health Law, 25% of all primary care encounters involve a diagnosable mental illness and 50% of mental health problems are still not being diagnosed properly. The World Health Organization is recommending that all medical providers “screen for mental health issues, assess and furnish care to those with mild or moderate disorders or whose severe mental health disorders are stable.”

So even if interpreters decide not to interpret in traditional mental health settings, they will certainly find themselves interpreting for patients with mental health issues. For example, in her
assessment of a patient with possible memory impairments, a family doctor may conduct memory testing through the interpreter. Or an ER doctor may see a patient presenting with suicidal ideation, one who is experiencing his first psychotic break, or one who suffers from substance abuse issues.In all of these situations, the interpreter will be practicing mental health interpretation.

Are you ready to interpret in mental health settings? When you think of the term “mental health,” what is your first reaction? How would you describe a person who suffers from a mental illness or disorder? Mental illness is prevalent in today’s society. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC),“One in two Americans has a diagnosable mental disorder.”The reality, then, is that all of us, as individuals, have been impacted to some extent by someone who suffers from a mental illness.